Wednesday, October 21, 2009


1.My hypothesis was: If I take the temperature of my palm and then run in place for two minutes and take the temperature of my palm again then the temperature after running will be higher than before running because my body heat wiull rise when I run.
2. Based on the data, my hypothesis was incorrect because the temperature went down.
3.The results before running are 30.666, the results are 29.533 and the results are different because your palms are waving in the cool air.
4.There were no errors in the data collection.
5. Nothing would have made this experiment better.


1. My hypothesis is if I take the temperature of my palm and then run in place for two minutes and take the temperature again then the temperature will be hotter because the warm blood is pumping through our hand heating it up.

2. Based on the data my hypothesis is incorrect because i said that it wold go up but in the experiment my temperature went from 32.6 before running to 24.9 degrees Celsius.

The results before running was 31 degrees Celsius and after running was 23.35 degrees Celsius I found that as you run your body temperature decreases i think that is because the blood mostly goes to the brain and the muscles that are being used.

4. There were no errors in the data that me and my group collected.

5. One thing that i think wold of made the experiment better was to keep the prob at room temperature because if we did not get it dried really good the temperature would start at a different place.


1) What was your hypothesis? If we take our temp then our temp withi n 2 minutes running in place

data and analysis

1. The average of our group before running is 31 degrees Celsius.

2. The average of our group after running is 23.35 degrees Celsius.

3. The difference between the averages is 7.65 degrees Celsius.

4. Briant had the hottest hand in our group before running.

5. Me and Briant tied for the hottest hand after running at 24.9 degrees Celsius.


1. If I take the temp. of my palm and then run inplace for 2 minutes and take the temp. again, then I think my temp. will be higher because my body heat rises.

2. Yes my hypothesis was right because the temp. was higher.

3. The results before running was 29.0, and the results after running was 32.2 they are different because before was lower and the other was higher because when tyler ran inplace it caused his temp. to go up

4. No there are not any errors in my experiment.

5. I think that i would change the experiment by getting another person to measure the temp. of their palm and check more things to make the data more accerate.


1.If i take the temp of my palm and then run in place for 2min and take the temp of my palm again, then i think it will get hotter, because running heats up your body.

2.Yes my hypothesis was right because before running it was 27.0 and after 31.1.

3.My results before running are 27.0 and after running are 31.1,I found that the temperature was hotter before running i think that because when you run your body gets hotter.

4.Yes there were some errors that some of my teammates cheated, and some didn't get the temperature right.

5.What would make experiment better is if we would of had more probs, and more time.


My hypothesis was, If I take the temperature of my palm and then run in place for two minutes and take the temperature of my palm again, my palm will get hotter because ill be pumping more blood.

Based on my data, my hypothesis was incorrect because the temperature of my palm decreased after I ran in place for two minutes.

The results I got before running was 27.9 degrees celcius.

The results I got after running was 26.0 degrees celcius.

They are different because my temperature after running was lower than my temperature before running.

Some errors that affected our results were the way we ran.

To make this experiment better, i would have run the same way for two minutes.


1.My hypothesis was: If I take the temp of my palm and run in place for 2 mins then I'll take the tempof my palm again then, the temp of my palm will increase becauseof the body heat.
2.Based on my data my hypothesis was incorrect because the temp did not increase as a result of sweat.
3.I got the results in the beggining different because i udidn't run or sweat. I got the results after running because i was sweating which caused the temp to go down.
4. Yes there was errors in the experiment like people breathing on temp pros which made the temp go up.
5. This experiment would be better by not putting more variables into it like breathing on it.


1.My hypothesis was: If i take the temperature of my palm then run in place for two minutes then take the temperature of my palm again i think my temperature will rise because when the heat of my body will rise when it gets hott.
2. Based on the data my hypothesis was correct because after i ran my temerature was 25.2 and beore i ran my temperature was 24.8.
3. The results i got before running was 24.8. After running i got 25.2. The diffrence is .4. I think those were the results because when you run your temperature will usualy rise.
4. There was not any errors in the collection of data.
5. I dont think anything would have made this expirement better. It was allright like it was.


  1. My hypothesis:If I take the temperature of my palm and then run in place for 2 minutes and take the temperature of my palm then the temperature will rise because my body heat will get hotter.

  2. My hypothesis was kind of right because both mine and Juwan's temperature rose but Nohemi's didn't.

  3. The result i got before running was 29.8.My results after running was 30.7.They are different because before i ran my temperature was lower and after i ran my temperature was higher.I think my temperature rose because my body heat went up.

  4. They're weren't any errors in my data collection.I think the experiment was great the way it was.
  5. This experiment was ok but it would of been better if everyone had participated.

(All temperatures are in celcuis.)


1. My hypothesis was: If I take the temp of my palm and then run in place for 2 min and take the temp of my palm again then it will be the same because your body wont react enough to change.
2. My hypothesis was wrong.
3. The results I got before running were higher than after running. maybe because your body is to pre-occupied to make more body heat.
4. There were no errors in the collection of this data.
5. Nothing I can think of could have made this data more accurate, or this experiment better.

data and analysis

This is not my data this is Katherine, Antonio, and Rick's data.

1. The average temperature of the group before running was 30.666.
2. The average temperature of the group after running was 29.533.
3. The difference in the two average temperature was 1.133.
4. Katherine had the hottest hand before running.
5. Antonio had the hottest hand after running.

Data and analysis

1.the average temp of my group before running was 95 degrees celcius.
2.the average temp of my group after running was 89.5 degrees celcius.
3.the difference between the two temps is 5.5 degrees celcius.
4.i had the hottest hand before running,it was 33.1 degrees celcius.
5.i had the hottest hand after running,it was32.1 degrees celcius.

Data and analysis

This is dans groups data

The average tempurature before running was 31.0 dagrees culcius.

The average tempurature after running was 28.3 dagrees culcius.

The differance beetween the two average tempuratures was 3.4 dagarees culcius.

The hottest hand was Briants hand.

The hottest hands were Sam and Briants hands.







data and analysis

1. The average temp before running was 31 degrees celcius.
2. The average temp after running was 23.3 degrees celcius.
3.the difference between them was 6.7 degrees celcius.
4. The hottest hand before runnning was briant's hand.
5.The hottest hand after running wasboth sam and briant's hands.


1.If i take the temperature of my palm annd then run in place for 2 minutes and take the temperature of my palm again. then i think my temperature would go up because of my viens that go through my hand that would make my and warm.
2.Based on my data my hypothosis is incorrect because my palmtemperature went down insteed of up like i had predicted.
3.My result befor running was 30.2 and after running it was 28.0. I think they might be different because the warmth from my hands probly got tranfered to my musles to last longer running.
4.i dont think ther were any errors in the data because we followed everythinglikeitwas supost to.
5.I really dont know what would make the expirement better but to maybe make sure that they hold the probe with the same strength.


1)My hypothisis was:If I take the temp of my plam then tun in place for 2 minutes then take the temp again the temp will rise because when you run your body temp should rise.

2)Based on my data my my hypothisis was wrong becuase my temp went down.

3)The results my group got before running were higher than after running.

4)The results before running were high than after running it was than before running.I think this happened becuas ethe palms were sweaty
5)The thing I think that would have made it better for me was if it would have lasted longer.


1. If i take a temperature of my palm and then run in place for 2 minutes and then take the after temperature, then i think my temperature will be higher after running because my body heat will rise.
2. It was right because my temperature after running was higher than before running.
3. My results before running were diffrent. My results before running were diffrent because my body heat is low. My results after running were diffrent. My results after running were diffrent because my body heat rose.
4. No because we went over it to make sure.
5. Maybe we could have added colder water to effect the temperature.


1.My hypothesis was If I took the temp. of my palm and then run in place for two min. and then take the temp. of my palm again
Then the temp. of my palm after running will be higher before running
Because my body heat will rise when I run. hypothesis was wrong because only 1 person went over what they had befor runing
3.the resullts I got where 30(me) and 29(Antonio)Antonio was the on only one that went over his temp.
4. There were no errors in the experiment
5.If there where more poeple it would make the experiment bedder


1. My Hpothisis was:
IF I take the temp. of my palm and run in place for 2 min.
THEN take the temp. of my palm again. My temp. will be higher,
BECAUSE my body temp. will rise while Iam running
2. Based on my data my hypothsis was right OUR palm temp. went up.
3. The results we got before running were lower than the temp. after running
3.5 Our results are differnt because our body temp. was higher after running.
4 Yes there were errors in our data. My class mates helped each other make higher temp. such as putting their hands around the person's hands who we are collecting data from.
5. I think if the experiment lasted longer it would have been better.

Sunday, October 18, 2009


1. My hypothesis was if i take the temp. of my palm and then run in place for 2 minutes and take the temperature will be hotter because excereise heats you up.
2. Based on my data the hypothesis is incorrect because our hands wear hotter when we didnt run.
3. I think I got the resalts because when you excereise you sweat the sweat is cold.
4.There was no error in the data colection.
5. I think that would make this better is if we tested again after waiting 5 minutes after we tested after running.

Saturday, October 17, 2009

Data And Analysis

1.The average temperature of our group before running was 30.375 celcius.
2. The average temperature of our group after running was 28.6 celcius.
3. The sum of our "Before running temp." and "After running temp." is 1.775.
4. Jessica had the "hottest hand" in our group before running.
5. Adrian had the "Hottest hand" in our group aftrer running.


1.  My hypothesis is:
      If I take the temperature of my palm and then run in place for 2 min. and take the temperature of my palm again then the temperature of it will rise because I'm going to run and make my hands get sweet and they are going to get hot.
2.  My hypothesis was incorrect. This is because the temperature of my hand after running was lower(27.6 Cᵒ) than the one before running(29.0 Cᵒ). And my hypothesis was that after running the temperature of it was going to be higher than the one before running.  
3.  I think that I got this results because, the sweet of my hands was cold, which made the temperature go low.
4.  There was no errors in my data that was collected.
5.  Something that would have made this experiment better would be that the students were about the same height and weight, also to had the same rate when running.In that way the data have would been more correctly.

Friday, October 16, 2009

Data and Analysis

  1. The average temperature of my group before running was 31.3 C〫.
  2. The average temperature of my group after running was 30.8  C〫.
  3. The difference in the two average temperatures is .5 C〫.
  4. The person who had the hottest hand in my group before running was Juwan J.
  5. The person who had the hottest hand in my group after running was Juwan J.


1. If I take the temperature of my palm and then run in place for two minutes and take the temperature of my palm again then the temperature will be hotter because exercise heats you up.
2. Based on my data my hypothesis was incorrect because my and my teammates temperature dropped.
3. I think we got the results that we got because the sweat got cold and cooled our bodies.
4. I don't think there are any errors in my data collection although I didn't get all data for 60 seconds.
5. If we would have run for real around the track it would have been better because we would be moving constantly.

Thursday, October 15, 2009


1.) My hypothesis was IF...I take the tempature of my palm and then run in place for 2 minutes and take the tempature of my palm tempature will increase BECAUSE i will have been running, so my body tempature will heat up.
2.) My hypothesis was incorrect. This is because after i ran my body heat didn't actually heat up, it actually cooled down. I think that the temp. cooled down because the sweat on my hand was cool.
3.) I think that I got these results because the sweat on my hand made the temp. cooler.
4.) There was no errors in my data that was collected.
5.) There is a couple of things that can make this experiment better. One is that the group could have been the same height. Another one is that the group could of had the same rate when they ran. These resons would make the experiment better by, the temps. would be more acurate.


1. My hypothesis was if I take the temperature of my palm and then run for 2 minutes and take the temperature of my palm again, then the temperature of my palm will be hot, because I ran in place for 2 minutes, which would probably make my palms sweat.
2. Based on my data, my hypothesis was incorrect, because before I ran, my palm's temperature was 30.1 degrees celcius. But after I ran, my palm's temperature was 28.1 degrees celcius, which was 2 degrees celcius lower than my palm's temperature before I ran.
3. The result that I got before I ran is 30.1 degrees celcius. I think I got that result by squeezing my pencil like I normally do to write. The result that I got after I ran is 28.1 degrees celcius. I think I got that result by not squeezing on my pencil like I normally do and I think my palm cooled off while I ran.
4. Yes, there was an error in my data, because I didn't run in place properly.
5. I think running around constantly for a longer amount of time would make this experiment better than just running in place for 2 minutes.

Data and Analysis

The average temperature of our group before running was 31.0 degrees celcius.

The average temperature of our group after running was 28.3 degrees celcius.

The difference in the two average temperatures was 3.4 degrees celcius.

Briant had the hottest hand in our group before running with 33.7 degrees celcius.

Sam and Briant had the hottest hand in our group after running each with 29.4 degrees celcius.

Data and analysis

1.My group average befor running was 30.375.
2.the average after running was 28.6.
3.The average of the two temperatures is 2.375.
4.Anna had the hottest hand befor running.
5.Adrian had the hottest hand after running.

Data and analysis

1. the averege tempeture before running was 31.0 degrees
2. The averege temp after running is 23.3
3.The difference of both highest temperatures is 7.7
4.The person that had the hottest hand in the group before running was me/briant
5.The person that had the hottest hand in the group after running was briant and sam
THE END!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

data and analysis

1. Before running, the average temperature of our group is 31.0 degrees celcius
2. After running,the average temperature of our group is 23.35 degrees celcius

Data and Analysis

1. The average temperature of my group before running was 30.375.
2. The average temperature of my group after running was 28.6.
3. The difference between the two average temperatures is 1.775.

4. I had the "hottest hand" before running.
5. Adrian had the "hottest hand" after running.

data and analysis

The average temp before running was 31 degrees celcius.
The average temp fater running was 23.35 degrees celcius.

Data and Analysis

1. The average temperature of our group before running is

Data and Analyzing

1. The average temperature of my group before running was 31.6 celsius.
2. The averge temperature of my group after running was 29.9 celsius.
3. The difference between temperatures is 1.5 degrees.
4. Angel had the hottest hand before running.
5. Angel had the hottest hand after running.

Data and Analysis

1. The average temperature of our group before running is 27 degrees C.
2. The avrage temperature of our group after running is 28 degrees C.
3. The diffrnce in the two avrage temperatures is 1 degrees C.
4.Amanda had the hottest hand before running.
5. Kaleb had the hottest hand after running.

data and analzing

1. the average temp for our group before running was 31.6 degrees Celsius.
2. The average temperature for our group after running was 29.9 degrees Celsius.

data and anolizing

1. the average temp. of our group befor runing was 34.6 degrease celcius.
2. the average temp. of our group after runing was 26.3 degrease celcius.
3. the difference in the 2 average temperatures is 6.8 degrease celcius.
4. angel had the hotest hand befor running, his temp was 33.1.
5. angel had the hotest hand after runing. his temp was 32.1.

Data and analysis

1. My groups highest average temperature before running is 30.666. (decimal repeats)
2. My groups highest average temperature after running is 29.533. (decimal repeats)
3. The difference between the 2 temperature is 1.133. (decimal repeats)
4. The "hottest hand" before running was Katherine.
5. The "hottest hand" after running was Antonio.

Data and Analysis

1. The average temperature of our group before running is 27 degrees C.
2.The average temperature of our group after running is 28 degrees C.
3. The diffrence in the two average temperatures are 1 degrees C.
4.Amanda had the hottest hand before running.
5. Kaleb had the hottest hand after running.

rick,kat,and antonio

1.The average tempurature of my group before running is 30.66(repeats at 66).
2.The average tempurature of my group after running is 29.53(3 repeats itself).

data and analysis

Hello My Hypothesis is: If I take data of my hand before running and then I take data of my hand again after running in place for two minutes Then I think my hand would get hotter because if I run then i would sweat. That was my hypothesis.

1. The average temperature for my group before running was 31.2

2. The average temperature for my group after running was 28.3

3. The difference in the two average temperatures was 2.9

4. The person in my group that had the hottest hand before running was Deadrian with the temp at 34.5

5. The person in my group with the hottest hand after running was me/Javier with the temp at 30.5

data and analysis

1. my groups average temperature before running is 31.5
2. my groups average temperature after running is

Data & Analysis

1) What was the average temp of your group before running? The average of our group temp was 31.1 celcius.
2) What was the average temp of your group after running? The average of our group temp was
28.25 cecius.
3) What was teh diffrence in the two average temp? The average of of the two temps is 2.85.

4) Who had the hottest hand in your group before running? Out of Juan & Daniel Juan had the hottest hand before running.
5) Who had the hottest hand in your group before running? Out of Juan & Daniel Juan had the hottest hand after running.


  1. The average temperature of my group before running was 31.3 degrees celcuis.
  2. The average temperature of my group after running was 30.8 degrees celcuis.
  3. The difference in the two average temperatures was 00.5.
  4. Juwan was the one that had the hottest hand in the team.
  5. Juwan had the hottest had after running.

Data and analysis

1)The average temperature of my group was 31.75 celcius
2)The average temperature of my group after running was 28.25 celcius
3)The difference between my groups avereges is 3.50 celcius
4)the person who had the hottest hand before running was Juan with 32.3 celcius
5)The person that had the hottest hand after running was Juan with 29.3 celcius
the average temp of my group before running was

Data and Analysis

1. The average temperature of my group before running is 27.46 degrees celcius.
2. The average temperature of my group after running is 28.26 degrees celcius.
3. The difference in the two average temperatures is .80 degrees celcius.
4. I (Amanda Ly) had the hottest hand before running.
5. Kaleb Dozier had the hottest hand after running.

Data and Analysis

1.The average temperature of our group before running is 30.375(celcius)

2.The average temperature of our group after running is 28.6(celcius)

3.The average of the two temperatures is 2.375

4.The hottest hand before running is Anna

5.The hottest hand after running is Edwin

Data and Analysis

1.The average temperature before running is 30.666.
2.The average temperature after running is 29.533.
3.The difference between the two averages is 1.133.
4.Kat had the hottest hand before running. (32.1)
5.Antonio had the hottest hand after running. (30.1)

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Hi Group Leo!

We are going to do an experiment with Vernier temperature probes. You are going to use this blog to communicate your results of the experiment. Also, you are going to post comments about each other's results.

RULE: Appropriate comments only!

I can't wait to see your results!

-Ms. Klein